It will also replace the standard WoW Rune, Combo Point, Harmony, Soul Shard and Holy Power bars with ones more fitting to the UI's look and feel.

This will replace your actionbars with a 3-tier stacking set of action bars with a Diablo3 style background, replace the normal WoW actionbar artwork with a Diablo style Angel and Demon, replace the player frame with a set of Health and Power (mana/rage/energy/etc) orbs, and completely re-skin the target, target's target, party, raid, focus, boss and other Unit Frames with Diablo-esque style framework. While some things such as character info screen and menus are not replaced, most of the constantly visible UI elements are. If not, this UI is a complete (or near complete) replacement for the standard Blizzard UI. Many of you are probably fans of zork's Roth UI! Though he plans no more maintenance to it in Legion, I am here to wipe those tears from your face!

*visit github for a list of currently known bugs*