When I went to enable RAPID again, I saw that its showing 800MHz again and I wasn't able to re-enable I must have misunderstood your suggestion. The other day I had to disable RAPID mode to update the EVO firmware and upgrade the Magician software. I tinkered with the AI Suite CPU Level up sometime after I enabled the RAPID mode. I do believe you've pointed out the root of the issue with the incorrect MHz. Not sure if random, or related to this "workaround" but just in case, I turned off RAPID again until I get some help. With this, SMRAPID had the same error again, showing 800, but it did not disable RAPID, though, after a while, my pc crashed with that "you've messed up your oc" kind of a screen. I had RAPID active by:ġ- Loading optimal default BIOS settings. I assume it is related to gtoph's sugestion, though I don't know how to do it. Once I overclocked the CPU running Asus AI Suit 4-Way Optimization, the "problem" came back, with System Info, BIOS and SMagician showing 800 or 801, and obviously, RAPID won't run. I noticed that on default values, System Info, BIOS and Samsung Magician, all showed 3.5Ghz, hence, I could run RAPID. I'm running a 4770k on a Maximus VI Formula and for what I understand, the BIOS update worked because it resets the BIOS's parameters. I was trying this today, since 840 Pro's are now supported, and I noticed I have this exact problem. I'll keep clicking the EZ button until it shows up. I downloaded the 1002 version, but too lazy to install it. If you go to the M6 Hero product page and select support > drivers, the version there is 0903 however, if you go directly to support > download drivers and then type in maximus vi hero, the latest version is 1002. Oddly, the EZ Update app shows that the latest version is 0903.

I updated my BIOS the day I got the MB so I didn't think to check for a latest version.

Samsung Magician now allows me to select RAPID mode. I updated my BIOS version from 0804 to 0903 and the BIOS reports max as 3500MHz now and Win7 shows the 3.50GHz instead of 801MHz. So the BIOS is telling Win7 that its max is 800. I went into the BIOS and found on the advanced tab that the max and min speed is reported as 800MHz. Windows 7's "System" in Control Panel shows my Processor as "Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770K CPU 3.50GHz 801MHz".